For Immediate Release - Latest News

Landlords across the State NEED YOU!

The Colorado Landlord Legislative Coalition (CLLC) is hosting 10 Colorado State Legislators on Thursday, September 29th We need to show our State Legislators who we are and we have numbers! You don’t need to sell them on anything or convince them of anything. You just need to let them know we care about our owners, […]

2022 Legislative Wrap Up with William Mutch

CLLC Members and Supporters: I’m proud to report we have had a successful 2022 legislative session with our second-year as an active and organized coalition, with a full-time advocacy presence at the Colorado State Capitol. In contrast to last year’s unprecedented amount of legislation around landlord-tenant relationships, things have returned to a more normal pace […]

Oppose HB22-1287 Stop Rent Control Efforts in Colorado

CLLC Members we need your help! As Colorado housing prices continue to rise, rent control is gaining in popularity as a way for government to manage these rising prices. Colorado has a long-standing statutory prohibition on rent control, enacted by the legislature in 1981 (CRS 38-12-301) prohibiting Colorado’s cities and counties from imposing rent controls […]

March 22, 2022 Speaker: William Mutch – Lobbyist for the Colorado Landlord Legislative Coalition

March Speaker: William Mutch – Lobbyist for the Colorado Landlord Legislative Coalition William will share a legislative update on the 2022 Colorado legislative session and share information on important legal changes impacting the property management industry. Is Rent Control in Colorado’s Future?!?!? Come and find out how to be an active participant in this year’s […]

Pre-Legislative Update 2022

CLLC Advocacy and Lobbying Update With the on-set of the COVID 19 pandemic, last session saw an unprecedented session for Colorado’s housing providers.  Not only were our members faced with both Federal and State eviction moratoriums, but there were also efficiency issues with the distribution of Federal rental relief funds and major pieces of legislation […]

Eviction Moratorium Going Before Congress

PLEASE TAKE ACTION NOW – EVICTION MORATORIUM GOING BEFORE CONGRESS AS EARLY AS TONIGHT As you have no doubt heard, President Biden has asked Congress to extend the federal eviction moratorium. We have just learned that some House members are trying to muster the votes for an extension through December 31, with a vote as […]

CLLC 2021 Colorado Legislative Session Investor Wrap-Up

With the COVID 19 pandemic and both Federal and State eviction moratoriums as part of a new reality for Colorado housing providers, the 2021 legislative session was one of the most challenging in many years for CLLC and other housing organizations. State and national policies around COVID 19 gave tenant rights activists and organizations a […]

HB 21-1121 Has Passed The Legislature

Colorado Landlord Legislative Coalition 2021 Colorado Legislative Sessions Investor Wrap-Up Whew! Thank goodness that’s over! The COVID 19 pandemic, along with Federal and State eviction moratoriums, became a new reality for Colorado housing providers, and the 2021 legislative session was one of the most challenging in many years for housing organizations. State and national policies […]

SB21-173 has been rescheduled for Thursday, 05/13/2021

CLLC Members Make Your Voice Heard! Senate Bill 21-173 SB21-173 has been rescheduled for Thursday, 05/13/2021 and we want to make another push to inform the Committee that the CLLC and Landlords across Colorado oppose this bill. You can copy all of these emails, create one email and place these addresses in the BCC of […]

SB21-173 Schedule Change: Important Update!

The bill SB21-173 was scheduled to be heard in the Business Affairs & Labor committee at 1:30 pm tomorrow. However, it has been pushed to next week. We hope this is a result of the pressure created by CLLC members and industry partners. The legislators are getting A LOT of communication from frustrated landlords; keep […]