The Colorado Landlord Legislative Coalition aspires to create positive legislative change for those that provide housing for others and in turn the renters of Colorado.
This is a call to action.
Now more than ever, Colorado Housing providers and Property Managers need to come together.
The single-family rental property industry has not had representation at the state capitol. That means we have not been at the table when bills are being introduced and negotiated.
The 2020 Founding Board of Directors Danielle Rogers, Lyle Haas, and Rob Lynde decided this had to change. Housing providers and property managers now have a needed voice and a presence at the state legislature in order to protect and advance our industry, The Colorado Landlord Legislative Coalition was created for that purpose. We have hired lobbyist William Mutch of Mutch Government Relations to represent Housing providers, property managers, and related industry professionals.
Our objective is to create awareness, urgency, and advocacy for the single-family, rental property industry, our Housing providers, property managers, and others that serve our industry.
For many years we have relied on other real estate associations and individuals to represent us, but our specific interests were not always at the forefront. It is time for Colorado Housing providers to converge and make our voices heard.
With your help, and membership dues we can create a strong coalition.
We will now direct our own advocacy with the hiring of our own lobbyist. A lobbyist that represents the single-family Housing providers and Property Manager and our specific needs. We are getting a seat at the table when we need to be there to negotiate and advise. The Colorado Landlord Legislative Coalition will be all-inclusive and reach out and welcome all housing providers and related industry professionals. The Coalition will be supported and funded with membership dues and managed by landlords and industry professionals.
Each year, the legislative session produces a number of Bills that directly affect our housing providers and the way professional property managers are allowed to run their businesses.
When you join our organization, your membership dues help to fight bad legislation.
Let’s make a difference.
Thank you
William Mutch
Principal of Mutch Government Relations
William handles government relations issues at the local, State, and Federal levels.
Mutch has a strong track record of managing associations, winning candidate campaign and legislative issues, building effective grassroots programs, managing political action committees, fundraising strategies, and building/managing broad legislative coalitions.
News from Our Lobbyist
For Immediate Release
2024 Wrap Up Report

Join The Colorado Landlord Legislative Coalition.
2025 Membership Dues
• $500/Month ($6,000 per year)
• $200/Month ($2,400 per year)
• $10/Month or $120/year
Membership levels are designated for acknowledgment purposes and will be displayed as determined by Board. Dues are not limited to the above amounts but dues paid between membership levels will be “awarded” the lower membership level until the next annual designated level is reached.
The CLLC is a non-profit organization supported and funded by donations, which are considered Membership Dues. Membership Dues are used to fund lobbying efforts and administrative costs. The more members that join the Coalition and contribute Membership Dues the larger our voice and our impact at the Capital. Please consider establishing a higher level of Membership to be recognized for your contributions and to help fund the CLLC for years to come.
To pay by check please make the check payable to the "Colorado Landlord Legislative Coalition" and mail it to:
Colorado Landlord Legislative Coalition
C/O Bijou Property Management
428 E Bijou Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Depending on how you file your taxes membership dues may be deducted as a business expense. Membership dues for the CLLC are not tax-deductible as a charitable donation. Please consult your tax advisor.